Technological Framework of the Solution

Online Environment

The solution is based on an online environment that leverages the benefits of cloud computing to provide scalability, flexibility, and global access to users.

Cloud-based backend technology

Amazon Web Services (AWS): As a leading cloud service provider, AWS allows hosting and managing platform resources with high availability and reliability. Some of the services used in the solution include:

i. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): EC2 instances provide scalable and flexible compute capacity on Linux virtual servers. EC2 enables easy adjustment of processing capacity according to needs and cost reduction.

ii. Relational Database Service (RDS): RDS simplifies the management of relational databases such as MySQL, allowing for the creation, maintenance, and scaling of databases with ease and efficiency.

iii. Simple Storage Service (S3): S3 is an object storage service that offers durability, availability, and scalability. S3 is used to securely and efficiently store and retrieve images and other media files.

Cloud-based analytics and dashboards

AWS QuickSight is a business analytics service that facilitates the creation of interactive visualizations and dashboards in the cloud. QuickSight easily integrates with other AWS services such as RDS and S3, allowing users to gain valuable insights from stored data.

Cloud-based web functionalities

The cloud platform provides various features to enhance user experience and facilitate collaboration and information sharing. Some of these features include customizable user profiles, spaces for organizing, asing roles, sharing content, and access to analytics based on QuickSight.

Cloud-based Node.js APIs

The Node.js APIs run on EC2 instances in the AWS cloud, allowing for efficient and secure communication between the database and clients. The APIs facilitate data exchange between the server and client via endpoints and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of transmitted information.

Cloud-based authentication and security

i. JSON Web Tokens (JWT):** The platform uses JWT tokens to authenticate and authorize users in the cloud, ensuring that only authorized users can access specific resources.

ii. Account linking: JWT tokens are linked to user accounts, ensuring proper identification and authorization for each session and protecting platform data and resources.

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